So what part of free Social Marketing is really free?

What’s the value of a fan or follower?

As more and more businesses put more and more stock into social marketing on popular websites like Facebook, questions arise about what local stores, restaurants, brands, products and service companies owe the people that "like" them. There seems to be a movement to spend time and money on getting people to "become a fan", but what’s likely more important is placing real value on each and every like your page receives and to put forth real effort into getting those that "like" you to "love" you.

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13 Ways to Get Your Social Media Marketing Noticed

Plan your marketing using a calendar that includes EVERYTHING you will do to promote your business. Then create good content to fulfill that calendar (good content is easier when your planning ahead). Finally, promote your social media presence, that’s where this post comes in

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Social Media Basics for Beginners

If you want to know the temperature of the water, you’re going to have to get wet. In other words, to understand how social media works, you need to become a part of it, but first learn the basics and what your options are.

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