Web Design & Hosting

Worth the Stamp?

Wondering whether or not to send out holiday cards to your business associates, clients, prospects and networking acquaintances? What’s holding you back – cost, time, holidays vs. Christmas dilemma?

Holidays-2701-300x199Maybe you just don’t have your list together in a state that will facilitate the mailing… whatever your reason (or excuse) for not sending some type of correspondence out to business associates, you should reconsider. Here are the top 5 reasons it’s worth the stamp:

1. No Selling Needed!
The success of social media is a direct illustration of how people and companies don’t want to be sold to. So sending out greetings for the holidays, whether it be Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, or just Happy New Year, is the absolutely perfect opportunity to clearly state, “I’m thinking about you, but I’m not selling you anything right now”.

2. We’re Still Here!
With the economy being as it is and was over the past year or so, sending greeting cards out now lets clients, prospects and business associates know that you’re still in business and you’ve survived the storm. Your company is a winner! You’ve got what it takes… YES, a 20 cent greeting card CAN say all that and more, without you saying it directly.

3. Remember Me?
Companies need reminders that they need your product or service. A greeting card sent to clients, especially those who have been quiet for a while, can often wake them up to place that reorder they’ve been putting off, or better still, to start that new project they’ve been holding on the back burner waiting for a chance to get to it.

4. You’re Special, We’re Special too!
Set yourself apart to prospects. If you’ve been courting some prospective customers this year, why not show them that there’s more to you than just business? Sending out a company greeting card for the holidays may very well be just the straw that breaks down that camel, and leads him to your oasis for a drink of what your company sells.

5. Operator, do you have a listing for?
Sending out a holiday greeting card may enable business acquaintances to get back in touch. There are quite possibly contacts you’ve made out there during business after hours, networking events, chamber breakfasts, client to client meetings that possibly needed to get a hold of you, but couldn’t find your business card. What a stroke of luck that your greeting card arrived with your clear and up-to-date contact information right on it. The cards you send out may be the savior of your next business deal.

Remember, the purpose of sending out the cards is not to sell, but your business can reap the benefits of this indirect marketing tool.  Check back tomorrow for Inspired 2 Design’s Top 5 Holiday Greeting Card tips and Traps to avoid!