Web Design & Hosting

Snow Day = Opportunity for Marketing

What to do when you find yourself snowed in for days at a time? Well, if you're an entrepreneur, instead of posting gripes on Facebook, be productive. Get your thoughts together and do something you've been putting off.

Marketing ideas for Snow Days:

  • Create a Marketing Calendar - record your marketing opportunities, article/blog titles, events, and promotions for the next 3-6 months
  • Write a blog post or an article about your business, industry or trends
  • Write a press release (or call I2D to write one for you)
  • Learn something new (like how to get in on the conversation on Twitter)
  • Read articles or blogs and subscribe to your favorites, then comment on posts you have valuable information about
  • Answer questions on LinkedIn, and/or start or get in on the Discussions happening in your groups (not in any groups?...take time to find some)
  • Update your social media profiles. Add photos and find friends
  • Review your company website and make notes for updates and changes you need to have made by I2D
  • Google. Search for yourself, your company, your keywords and phrases, and see what's out there
  • Find websites that can link to yours (directories, industry specific info)
  • Create a customer/client newsletter. What topics would interest your clients?
  • Start thinking about the value of a mobile website and possibly even what an iPhone, iPad, iTouch app could do for your business
  • Schedule coffee meetings with networking buddies and ask them to invite someone you don't know

Non-marketing Snow Day ideas:

  • Clean out your desk (always a favorite)
  • Get your 2010 records in order for your Accountant (OOOH everyone hates that!)
  • Update your calendar with events and meetings you know you have each month
  • Shred old and outdated information. Not sure how long you should keep records? Read this article from Consumer Reports or this from the US Government
  • Find a good Accountant if you don't already have one. If you use QuickBooks for your company records, we recommend Balanced AF (Accounting and Financing).
  • Exercise (it is January!)
  • Sign up for a class (online or at a local college or technical school)
  • Write a list of things to do (that you know you'll put off while you're sitting around drinking cocoa)

Sure there are tons of productive things to do during the snow days. In fact, if you're honest with yourself, you'll have to admit, these are things you should be doing and not putting off any day - just need to get moving!

Happy New Year from Inspired 2 Design.