Web Design & Hosting

Evaluate Your Marketing in 5 Easy Steps

Every business owner needs to do two things: first they must be marketing, and second - they have to evaluate that marketing. Here are five quick checkpoints to consider:

1) Review sales. Look for increases today, and future income generators. Be sure to include measurements of leads, appointments and outstanding estimates, as well as actual dollars deposited.

2) Ask current customers and prospects where they heard of you. You'd be amazed to know that many companies never ask this simple question.

3) Check your message. Is there a call to action? Is it clear, easy to follow, and effective? Are you selling benefits rather than features? People want to know what's in it for them!

4) Check your media outlets to make sure you're reaching the target audience (first, make sure you're targeting the RIGHT audience).

5) Does your marketing produce a positive return on investment (ROI)? Sure, you may be completing sales, but are you seeing a profit? These steps are easy for anyone to use, but if you find you need help, call on Inspired 2 Design for a free one hour marketing consultation where we'll help you evaluate your current plan, and help direct you to where you can make your advertising dollars do more.