After attending a networking workshop last week, it occurred to us that some business people just don't know how important their business cards are. And although we've covered them briefly, it seemed important to go more in-depth into the subject. So here is what we call Business Cards 2.0: A creative, professionally printed, visually attractive business card conveys a positive first impression that remains after your initial meeting, so...
- Consider what you want another person to know about you
- Consider your company's brand image or identity
Next -
- Consider the size of a card: 3.5"x2"
- Consider printing on front and back of the card
- Consider a folded business card format
- Consider a horizontal vs. vertical layout
- Consider the paper and the finish or feel of the card
Consider the Content - Must Haves:
- Representative's name
- Company Logo or company name
- Contact phone number
- Website address
Should Haves:
- Email address
- Physical address
- Customer benefits
- Fax number
- Award, association seals, license number
May Haves:
- Job title of representative
- Tag-line or slogan
- List of products or services
- Graphics or photo
- Calendar, appointment reminder or other useful info
- Specialties (i.e. repeat card in a second language if spoken)
- Store hours
- Coupon or some form of Call to action
Must Avoid:
- Typos including misspellings, poor grammar and outdated information
- Cliches and broad promises (ie: our customers are #1)
- Homemade cards with perforations, poor ink coverage, crinkles and wrinkles
Each and every card you hand out or mail out is an extension of you, and a representation of your company. Business cards can be printed for as little as eight cents per piece. Creating a useful, memorable card will help get your card filed in the Rolodex rather than the trash can. Check out some of the professionally designed and printed cards by Inspired2 Design here. Inspired 2 Design, LLC