We decided to create an online glossary of terms relating to computers and the internet to be used as a tool to educate and inform.
Alt Tags
Text that is displayed in place of an unavailable image or on a mouse-over.
Animated GIF
A small animation based on multiple GIF images displayed in succession.
An automatic email message sent as a response to an inquiry.
How much stuff you can send through a connection measured in bits-per-second (bps)
Bit (Binary DigIT)
The smallest unit of computerized data.
Blog (weB LOG)
An online journal.
The program that displays web sites on a computer, ie. Internet Explorer, Netscape and Firefox.
Information sent by a Web Server to a browser that is saved and to send back to the Server whenever the browser makes additional requests from the Server.
The four color inks used in professional printing (cyan, magenta, yellow and black). See RGB.
DNS (Domain Name System)
The system that translates Internet domain names into IP numbers. A “DNS Server” is a server that performs the translation.
Domain Name
The unique name that identifies an Internet site.
DPI (Dots per Inch)
An output term referring to how many dots of toner are used to create printed images on paper or film. Graphics for print are typically 300dpi. See also PPI.
The interactive elements of a site.
An electronic book which can be downloaded and read or printed.
Email (Electronic Mail)
Messages sent from one person to another via computer.
Electronic newsletter that is emailed or linked from a website.
Animation software by the company Macromedia used to develop interactive graphics for websites and presentations.
Allows a user to enter data that is sent to a server. Used to submit or to retrieve data.
FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
A method of uploading or downloading files from another computer or server.
GIF (Graphic Interchange Format)
A common format for image files, especially for images containing large areas of the same color.
1000 or 1024 Megabytes.
The number of times a web page is visited.
Home Page
Usually refers to the main web page of a website.
Stores web pages on its server, to make them available to internet users.
The code that tells browsers what to display.
The rule set applied when files are sent from web servers to browsers. Most URLs begin with http://
Text links to other documents or web pages.
Incoming Link (Backlink)
A link to a website from another website.
The collection of inter-connected networks using TCP/IP protocols.
A private network inside a company or organization for internal use.
IP Number (Internet Protocol Number)
A computer’s unique address used to identify and communicate with other devices on a network.
ISP (Internet Service Provider)
An organization that offers access to the Internet.
A programming language used to add interactive features to a website.
JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group)
A format specifically used for photographic image files.
A word or phrase used in a search engine to find related web pages.
Keyword Density
The number of times a keyword or phrase appears on a web page.
A thousand bytes.
Art that shows the design appearance of a web page.
Text or an image that when clicked, takes the user to another web page on the same or different website.
The speed at which a web page loads from the server to a browser.
One million bytes.
Meta Tag (Meta Element)
HTML code that provides information about a web page found within the source code.
Mouseover (Rollover)
Code that signals something to happen on a web page when the user’s mouse rolls or hovers over a hot spot on the page.
Navigation Bar
A set of links to the different pages of a website (Home, About Us, Service, Contact Us…). Typically displayed across the top, down one side, and/or across the bottom of a web page
A connection of 2 or more computers to share resources.
Page Rank
The importance Google places on a web page indicating where the page appears in the results.
PDF (Portable Document Format)
Allows files to be viewed and printed with all formatting intact regardless of computer system.
PHP (PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor)
A scripting language used to create dynamic web pages.
A single dot of light on a computer screen.
PNG (Portable Network Graphics)
A file format enabling image compression without quality loss.
An Internet broadcast.
The first website a visitors see when going online.
PPI (pixels per inch)
A measure of the resolution of a graphic image. Web images are displayed at 72ppi. See DPI.
A set of communication rules.
The number of pixels across and down set on a computer monitor. Displays the size of a web page on a browser (800 x 600 is the most commonly used resolution setting).
The colors of the three “guns” on any monitor which fire red, green and blue into each pixel on a screen including television monitors to create 16 million color variations including white and black. All web graphics are RGB. See also CMYK.
RSS (Real Simple Syndication)
A protocol for sharing content, especially news articles and Blogs. Consists of “feeds” and “readers”.
Search Engine
A website used for searching the Internet.
Security Certificate
Information used to establish a secure connection.
SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
Designing web pages to rank as high as possible in search results.
The computer storage provided by a web host or web hosting company.
Shopping cart
A program that allows shoppers to select and pay for products on a website.
Site Map
Text links to all of its pages of a website, available on one web page.
The broadcast of the same email message to people who didn’t request it.
SQL (Structured Query Language)
A specialized language for sending queries to databases.
SSL (Secure Socket Layer)
A protocol that enables encrypted, authenticated communications across the Internet.
The length of time a user stays on a website.
A website that belongs to a main domain – ie. www.sub.main.com.
Registering a website for inclusion in a search engine or directory.
A small image usually linked to a larger version of the same image.
The number of hits a website receives.
The transfer of files to a server.
URL (Uniform Resource Locator)
A unique address on the Internet.
Web Page
A published HTML document that is part of a website.
Web Safe Colors
A set of standardized 216 colors available for display in a browser.
Website (or web site)
A collection of web pages linked by a main domain name.